Program Structure

Semester System is followed with the entire course covered in four semesters.

Every semester has theory subjects and practical and project work in 3rd and 4th semester.


Semester I (Credits 22)
Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms using Python
Statistics for Computer Science
Database Technology
Object Oriented Programming Using JAVA
Computer Networks
Practical – Software Design Project
Software Design Project
Semester II (Credits 21)
Web Design and Development
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Machine Learning
Software Engineering
Practical – Software Design Project
Practical: Web Programming Lab
Semester III (Credits 19)
Software Testing and Quality Assurance
MOOC (Electives)
Elective -2 (Electives)
Elective -3 (Electives)
Practical: Presentation Skills and Academic writing
Project: Project Phase-I
Semester IV (Credits 18)
Elective-4 (Electives)
Personality Development
Project: Project Work – Phase – II
Elective I
Web analytics
Big Data Analytics
Elective II
R Programming
Big Data Analytics
Elective III
Semantic Web
Data Visualization Techniques and Tools
Elective IV
Data Classification Methods and Evaluation
Principles of Deep Learning

Total Credits for MCA Program – 80

Learners can earn additional Credits by taking courses offered by MOOC / Coursera