Grievance Redressal

Grievance Redressal

Scope of Grievance Redressal System for Learner :

The Institutions, offering programs through the Open and Distance Learning mode, shall have a Grievance Redressal System and Procedure which shall be published on the portal of Institution and it shall be the responsibility of the concerned Institution to update the same as and when required. Each of the Institutions shall provide an online facility for submitting grievances and track their status. The Institution shall also be responsible for monitoring, assessing and reviewing the effectiveness of its Grievance Redressal Procedures.

Guidelines and Standards for the Grievance Redressal System:

The Institution shall have a Grievance Redressal System based on the following Guidelines and standards, viz

Rights and responsibilities of a learner

Responsibility of the Institution

To submit your issue, please fill and submit the following form: